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2021 1st Issue

2020-21 Alumni Bi-week

12 - 23 Oct 2020

The HKUGA College 2020-21 Alumni Bi-week Sharing was concluded successfully on 23rd October 2020. 15 alumni were holding 13 sharing sessions. The sessions were all supported by over 200 students. The variety of alumni caters the needs of different students in HKUGA College. The alumni are studying in science-related subjects, business, arts and design, journalism, law and social sciences. In order to suit students’ interests, students were given the chance to choose which sessions to attend. The whole event was very informative and well-rounded. Students had gained a lot from the event and should have a better understanding of different paths they can choose in the future.

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2020-21 Alumni Bi-week2020-21 Alumni Bi-week